
XML-RPC API - Trunk Connections management

Автор Sergiiy
Обновлено 1 год назад

All applications bellow support trusted mode, i_customer should be supplied in that mode.

The application has a parent structure element - Trunks():


This application is used to create a trunk connection.

Required parameters:

  • i_trunk - Id of a trunk the connection belongs to. Integer.
  • name - a name of the trunk connection. String.
  • destination - destination IP or hostname. String.

Optional parameters:

  • order_no - order no. Default is 'last'. Possible values:
    • # - set order no to #. Integer
    • first - make the connection the first entry in order. String
    • last - make the connection the last entry in order. String.
  • username - username used on the connection. String.
  • password - password used on the connection. String.
  • outbound_ip - outbound IP-address used on the connection. Possible values:
    • IP address - set to IP address. String.
    • null - set to Auto.
  • outbound_cld - outbound CLD used on the connections. String.

Shared (among all the connections belonged to one trunk) parameters:

  • capacity - capacity applied on the connections. Possible values:
    • # - set capacity to #. Integer.
    • null - unlimited capacity.
  • max_cps - CPS applied on the connections. Possible values:

    • # - set CPS to #. Double.

    • null - unlimited CPS.

  • from_domain - 'From Domain' used on the connections. String.

  • random_call_id - 'Random Call-Id'  used on the connections. Boolean.


  • result - OK - String.
  • i_trunk_connection - Id of the newly created trunk connection. Integer.

  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.


This application is used to update a trunk connection.

Required parameters:

  • i_trunk_connection - Id of the trunk connection to update. Integer.

Optional parameters:

  • Any from createTrunkConnection() except i_trunk.
  • order_no - 2 additional values are available:
    • up - increase the order no by 1. String.
    • down - decrease the order no by 1. String.


  • result - OK - String.
  • i_trunk_connection - Id of the updated trunk connection. Integer.

  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.


This application is used to remove a trunk connection.

Required parameters:

  • i_trunk_connection - Id of the trunk connection to delete. Integer. 



  • result - OK - String.
  • i_trunk_connection - Id of the deleted trunk connection. Integer.

  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.



This application is used to get a trunk connection detail.

Required parameters:

  • i_trunk_connection - Id of the trunk connection. Integer.


  • result - OK - String.
  • trunk_connection - Structure with trunk connection attributes.

  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.


This application is used to list trunk connectionss of a trunk.

Required parameters:

  • i_trunk - Id of a trunk the connections belong to. Integer.

Optional parameters:

  • name_pattern - Pattern to filter trunks by name (SQL syntax for the ILIKE operator is used). String.


  • result - OK - String.
  • trunk_connections - Array of structures with trunk connection attributes.

  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.
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