
XML-RPC API - Creating New Environment

Creating New Environment
Автор Sergiiy
Обновлено 1 год назад


This application is used to create a new environment. The application is available only for root customer and only in the first environment.

Implementation details

This application supports trusted mode in which case i_customer (integer) parameter should be supplied. 
If https_certificate and https_key pair has not been provided then system generates self-signed certificate.

Mandatory parameters:

  • name - environment's name. String. Must be the unique one.
  • https_cname - hostname for HTTP-server. String.
  • assigned_ips - comma-separated list of IP-addresses assigned to environment. String. NULL means "Unassigned". Refer to listSwitchIPs() how to get the list of available IPs.

Optional parameters:

  • sip_ports - comma-separated list of ports to handle SIP. String
  • max_cps - CPS limit. Integer. NULL means "Unlimited".
  • max_sessions - Concurrent sessions limit. Integer. NULL means "Unlimited".
  • description - Description. String.
  • installed_modules - comma-separated list of modules installed in the environment. String. (list of available modules can be fetched from the first environment)
  • enable_sysinfo - if System Information is available for the environment. Boolean.
  • enable_netband - if Network Bandwidth is available for the environment. Boolean.
  • enable_cpuutil - if CPU Utilization is available for the environment. Boolean.
  • enable_diskload - if Disk Load is available for the environment. Boolean.
  • expiration_date - date when the environment expires, format is '%H:%M:%S.000 GMT %a %b %d %Y' (e.g. 09:57:29.000 GMT Wed Nov 18 2009). String.
  • notify_on_expiration - whether to send a notification when the environment has expired. Boolean.
  • notify_addresses - comma-separated list of e-mail addresses to send the expiration notification. String. Special values can be supplied:
    • < E-Mail, CC, BCC > - use e-mail, cc and bcc values from contact info,
    • < E-Mal > - use e-mail from contact info
    • < CC > - use cc from contact info
    • < BCC > - use bcc from contact info
  • https_certificate - base64-encoded SSL-certificate in PEM format. String.
  • https_key - base64-encoded RSA private key in PEM format. String.
  • httpd_servers - number to limit number of HTTP servers. Integer. 0 means "Auto".
  • siplog_index_enabled - if SIP-log indexing is enabled. Boolean.
  • record_sdp - if SDP is recorded in SIP-log. Boolean.
  • company_name - Company Name. String.
  • salutation - Mr./Ms... String.
  • first_name - First Name. String.
  • last_name - Last Name. String.
  • mid_init - M.I. String.
  • street_addr - Address. String.
  • state - Province/State. String.
  • postal_code - Postal Code. String.
  • city - City. String.
  • country - Country/Region. String.
  • contact - Contact. String.
  • phone - Phone. String.
  • fax - Fax. String.
  • alt_phone - Alternative Phone. String.
  • alt_contact - Alternative Contact. String.
  • email - E-Mail. String.
  • cc - CC. String.
  • bcc - BCC. String.


  • result - OK means that environment has been created. String.
  • i_environment - i_environment of created account. Integer.
  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.
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