XML-RPC API - Queue an Action for Environment

Written by Sergiiy
Updated 11 months ago


Available since: V4.5

Allows to queue an action for an environment. The application is available only for root customer and only in the first environment.

Implementation details

This application supports trusted mode in which case i_customer (integer) parameter should be supplied.

Mandatory parameters:

  • i_environment - i_environment of updated environment. Integer.
  • action - action to queue. String. Possible values are:
    • start - start the environment
    • stop - stop the environment
    • restart - restart the environment
    • suspend - suspend the environment
    • delete - delete the environment

Optional parameters:

  • suspend_message - message to show on web-interface when the environment in suspended mode. String. This parameter supports macro ${DATE} which is substituted by date when the environment was suspended.


  • result - OK means that action has been queued successfully. String.

  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.
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