Network Services management

Written by Sergiiy
Updated 11 months ago

All applications bellow support trusted mode, i_customer = 1 should be supplied in that mode.


This application is used to update a network service.

Required parameters:

  • i_proto_transport - proto_transport id of the updated network service. See getSystemDictionary(proto_transports). Integer.
  • listeners - ordered list of listeners. Array. The listener is a structure consisting of:
    • ip_address - IP-address. String.
    • port - port. Integer.


  • result - OK - String.
  • i_proto_transport - proto_transport id of the updated network service. Integer.

  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.


This application is used to get network service details.

Required parameters:

  • i_proto_transport - proto_transport id of the updated network service. Integer.


  • result - OK - String.
  • i_proto_transport - proto_transport id of the network service. Integer.
  • listeners - ordered list of listeners. Array.

  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.


This application is used to get network services list. 

Optional parameters:

  • limit - Limit result by limit entries. Integer.
  • offset - Skip first offset entries in result. Integer.


  • result - OK - String.
  • network_services - list of detailed entries as getNetworkServiceInfo() returns. Array.

  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.
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