XML-RPC API -Exporting Vendors CDR to Mera Format

Exporting Vendors CDR to Mera Format
Written by Sergiiy
Updated 10 months ago


This application is used to export CDRs of all vendors into Mera format. Exported CDRs can be used for external billing.


  • start_date - fetch CDRs from start_date, format is '%H:%M:%S.000 GMT %a %b %d %Y' (e.g. 09:57:29.000 GMT Wed Nov 18 2009). String. Otpional.
  • end_date - fetch CDRs till end_date, format is '%H:%M:%S.000 GMT %a %b %d %Y' (e.g. 09:57:29.000 GMT Wed Nov 18 2009). String. Otpional.
  • start_i_cdrs_connection - fetch CDRs having i_cdrs_connection >= start_i_cdrs_connection. String. Optional.
  • end_i_cdrs_connection - fetch CDRs having i_cdrs_connection < end_i_cdrs_connection. String. Optional.


  • result - OK means that query was successfully. String.
  • last_i_cdrs_connection - i_cdrs_connection of the latest CDR. String.
  • cdrs - an array of strings:

Trusted mode

This function supports trusted mode. In this case i_customer=1 should be passed in addition to the parameters mentioned above.

Here is parameters mapping into SSP database:

HOST - IP-address of the switch
CONFID - calls.call_id
CALLID - cdrs_connections.i_cdrs_connection
SRC-IP - cdrs.remote_ip
DST-IP - connections.destination
SRC-NAME - accounts.username
DST-NAME - vendors.name
SRC-NUMBER-IN - cdrs.cli_in
SRC-NUMBER-BILL - calls.cli
SRC-NUMBER-OUT - cdrs_connections.cli_out
DST-NUMBER-IN - cdrs.cld_in
DST-NUMBER-BILL - calls.cld
DST-NUMBER-OUT - cdrs_connections.cld_out
SETUP-TIME - cdrs_connections.setup_time
CONNECT-TIME - cdrs_connections.connect_time
DISCONNECT-TIME - cdrs_connections.disconnect_time
ELAPSED-TIME - cdrs_connections.duration
DISCONNECT-CODE-Q931 - sipErrToH323Err[cdrs_connections.result]
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