Step 2 - Configuration of Calling Card Parameters

Written by Sergiiy
Updated 1 year ago

Configuring your Calling Card IVR's

  • Following the example from Step 1 - Add Calling Card IVR Application, "'Red Card' Cheap North American calls" will be our product. Adjusting Calling Card parameters determines the responses by the IVR to your customers. For example announcing balance of cards and potential duration of calls.
  • Your IVR Applications table displays all created Applications. Red Card is the only application that is created on this switch.

  • By selecting Name 'Red Card' you can manage it's configuration.

  • Advanced Parameters of this Calling Card IVR can now be configured.

  • Configure your Calling Card according to the behaviour that you select within Advanced Parameters. View our Calling Card Configuration Options page for a list of all Calling Card configuration parameters.
  • With 'Red Card', we simply want a balance of card announced and number of minutes to destination dialled, though without announcing seconds. Select option "Announce Balance", value set as "True" and add by clicking on the Green "+" symbol, or by clicking "Save". The parameters will be added in their activation sequence as shown below:


  • Save and Close and your Calling Card has been configured as your require.

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