Connecting GoiP gateways

Connecting GoiP gateways
Written by Sergiiy
Updated 5 months ago

Step 1: Setting up providers

The first step is to create a new supplier and connect to the supplier. 

Creating our supplier:

  1. Navigate to the Suppliers screen by clicking Suppliers in the left navigation menu.
  2. Click the "Add" button.
    1. Enter your provider's name in the Provider Name field. (name of your Gateway)   
    2. The “Web login” and “Web password” fields will be filled in automatically.        On the Add New Supplier screen
    3. Click Save and Close  

Creating relationships with suppliers

The next step is to create a Connection under the newly created Vendor entry. 

  1. On the Vendors screen , click the Connections action link for the newly created vendor.    
  2. On the Connections screen , click the Add button .        
  3. On the Add New Connections  screen   
    1. Give your connection a name using the Connection Name field .   
    2. Select your connection protocol; in our case it is SIP/UDP  
    3. In Destination we indicate the address of your Flysip server
    4. Be sure to add the CLD Tr.Rule rule so that the call is sent to tech. the account we will create later.
                          For example, let's take the rule:
      goip100 -  
      the name of our tech. account.
      cld=+/ - 
      “+” will be added to the number before being sent to the gateway. (in almost all cases this is required by mobile operators).


3. Add completion routes 

4. Add routes and prices for the gateway

5. Add a routing group 

Add this goip to the desired routing group.  

6. Now you need to add a Tariff for accounts

7. Add tariffs and prices for accounts

8. Add an account


By the same principle, it is necessary to create a technical account for GOIP so that the gateway can register with the server and the server can send calls to it

In our case, the name of those. account " goip100 "
If you name the account differently, then you need to enter the correct name in the CLD Tr.Rule rule in Connection .

Add registration to the server on GoIP:

Set the parameter Get Callee Number - By Request line

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