Different Commission models configurable in Flysip

Different Commission models configurable in Flysip
Written by Sergiiy
Updated 1 year ago

In this commission scenario, we will assume that commissions are being paid to either a reseller of your voice services or as an Account Manager. A simple, single reseller model will be used as an example.

The two options that are configurable within Flysip are:

  1. Rates-based commission method - Commissions earnings from graduated rates structures. Configurations can be based upon either self-assigned profit margins - an exclusive commission model, or commissions earnings as assigned by you - an inclusive commission model.
  2. Commission Agent method - Configuring a commission agent will pay a dividend of all calls of a specified entity to the Agent. An agent can either be an Account or Customer. The commission earned is a percentage of total call revenue.

1. Rates-based commission method

A Customer entity will be used for your reseller.

  • By assigning a "Customer" entity, you will be able to isolate all of your reseller's clients' calls and configurations within a Customer sub-structure.
  • The Customer entity creates a sub-structure additional to your primary business configuration. The result is a second layer of business management in an exclusive web environment and as a consequence results in a second layer of rates.
  • Configuring a Customer will provide restricted web access for specific use cases - such as resellers or some NOC support agents. System Management, Vendor, and Routing management are not accessible through your Customer web portal, with other privileges enabled/disabled on the Permissions page.
  • The Customer sub-structure adds an additional layer of rates to your primary business configuration to allow for rates-based commissions.
Layer 1: Primary business configuration Layer 2: Customer sub-structure
Primary business configuration Commission agent
Destination Set Tariff Account Reseller entity (Customer)
Vendor rates - your Buy rates Your sell rate is assigned. ie. Your buy rate + profit margin. Calls billed by Tariff rates. Received a percentage of revenue from every call by nominated Account.

The following diagram is to highlight the commission agent earning model:


Commission Agent configuration overview:

  • Flysip's "Destination Set" is your Vendor's rate sheet - your Buy rates.
  • Flysip's "Tariff" is your customer's rate sheet - your Sell rates.
  • With this model, your reseller's Accounts are directly configured into your primary business configuration - the "Root Customer".
  • Your reseller's customers are managed by your company.
  • All billed calls from Account A1 & A2 will pay a designated commission percentage of total call revenue to the Agent.
  • The commission agent will receive a Balance adjustment in their account (positive or negative) for the earned commission from each call.
  • The commission agent will have a CDR relating to each call made and the resulting commission adjustment earned.

What are the advantages of each model?

1. Rates-based commission business model:

  • The Rates-based commission model empowers the reseller with increased control and management of their own customers.
  • Your company retains control of the Permissions that you wish to grant to your reseller's personal web portal as well as their base rate sheet and routing.
  • The Rates-based configuration can help segregate diverse business models on your Flysip Softswitch. Employing the multi-layered Customer entity can divide Wholesale from Retail business models, and direct business Accounts from your Reseller's Accounts, for example.
  • The multi-layered Customer concept will empower your resellers to recruit resellers of their own with a second layer of sub-customer.
  • Reporting is run on reseller-wide (Customer) activity.

2. Commission agent business model:

  • Your company retains management of each of your reseller's customers' Accounts.
  • Your base Tariff includes your profit margin and reseller's commissions for simplified configuration.
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