Using SNMP to monitor Flysip Softswitch statistics

Written by Sergiiy
Updated 1 year ago


Customers using dedicated hardware have the ability to monitor Active Calls and Connected Calls via SNMP. Refer to the FLYSIP-MIB.txt file to see specifically what can be monitored.

In order to enable SNMP, the following steps are required.

1. Enable SNMP agent for SSP MIB tree.

Make sure /usr/local/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf -> /home/ssp/etc/snmpd.conf file contains the following:

pass . /home/ssp/scripts/

By default snmpd conf allows monitoring only from the local host. In order to enable remote monitoring of snmp statistics, you need to add the following line to your snmpd.conf file


You must restart the SNMP daemon and rc.firewall script for changes to the snmpd.conf configuration file to take effect.

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/snmpd restart
# screen
# /home/ssp/scripts/

2. Download and place MIB file.

The MIB file should be available on any SSP installation on the following path:


You must copy the FLYSIP-MIB.txt file and place it in your SNMP client host to the MIB storage path, for example:

cp /usr/home/ssp/etc/FLYSIP-MIB.txt /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs/FLYSIP-MIB.txt

If you are monitoring from a remote SNMP client, you must copy the FLYSIP-MIB.txt file to the MIB storage path on the SNMP client host.

3. Access live SSP SNMP data.

At this point you should be able to query SSP with SNMP. The following example command:

snmpwalk -v2c -m FLYSIP-MIB -c <YOUR_SNMP_COMMUNITY_STRING> <YOUR_SSP_HOST> flysipStatus

Should provide you with all the data available:

FLYSIP-MIB::FlysipEnvIdEntry.1 = STRING: "1/Primary/"

FLYSIP-MIB::FlysipEnvIdEntry.12 = STRING: "12/Test .5/"

FLYSIP-MIB:::FlysipEnvIdEntry.13 = STRING: "13/Second/"

FLYSIP-MIB:::FlysipEnvActiveCallsEntry.1 = INTEGER: 0

FLYSIP-MIB:::FlysipEnvActiveCallsEntry.12 = INTEGER: 0

FLYSIP-MIB:::FlysipEnvActiveCallsEntry.13 = INTEGER: 0

FLYSIP-MIB:::FlysipEnvConnectedCallsEntry.1 = INTEGER: 0

FLYSIP-MIB:::FlysipEnvConnectedCallsEntry.12 = INTEGER: 0

FLYSIP-MIB:::FlysipEnvConnectedCallsEntry.13 = INTEGER: 0

To query certain SNMP parameter, for example Connected calls in environment 12 you should issue command:

snmpget -v2c -m FLYSIP-MIB -c <YOUR_SNMP_COMMUNITY_STRING> <YOUR_SSP_HOST> :FlysipEnvConnectedCallsEntry.12

FLYSIP-MIB::FlysipEnvConnectedCallsEntry.12 = INTEGER: 0

Additional details per each available method:


FlysipEnvIdEntry.<i_environment> - name of the environment


FlysipEnvPtimeEntry.<i_environment> - average ptime value from the environment
FlysipEnvAAPtimeEntry.<i_environment> - average aa_ptime value from the environment
FlysipEnvAuthorizedCallsAvgEntry.<i_environment> - average number of authorized calls in the environment
FlysipEnvRoutedCallsAvgEntry.<i_environment> - average number of routed calls in the environment
FlysipEnvConnectedCallsAvgEntry.<i_environment> - average number of connected calls in the environment




For most monitoring systems you must know the OID of the parameter to be monitored without possibility to access its MIB name. To see all of the available OID issue the following command:


. = STRING: "1/Primary/"

. = STRING: "12/Test .5/"

. = STRING: "13/Second/"

. = INTEGER: 0

. = INTEGER: 0

. = INTEGER: 0

. = INTEGER: 0

. = INTEGER: 0

. = INTEGER: 0

Example for Connection calls using MIB for env 1 connection 64

Active calls (routing +connected):

snmpget -O n -v2c -m /home/ssp/etc/FLYSIP-MIB.txt -c public

FlysipConnectionActiveCallsEntry.1.64 =


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