Routing Groups

Written by Sergiiy
Updated 1 year ago

Routing Groups are the Connections and Destinations Sets that completely define how the system will route calls from a particular Customer or Account.  Distinctive Routing Groups can only be assigned to Accounts and Customers that belong to the Root Customer.  Lower level Customers and Accounts inherit Routing Groups from their parent Customer.  By creating multiple routing groups it is possible to provide different levels and types of service for different groups of Accounts or Customers.  For example, one can create a Premium Routing Group for subscribers that are willing to pay extra for quality and a Regular Routing Group for everybody else.

Changes related to Rates, Routes, Destination Sets, Tariffs, DID numbers, DID Charging Groups and Routing Groups may not be applied immediately after you make them.  When you make changes, you need to wait at least 1 minute so that the system can update its internal "cache".  Sometimes, when you perform a "heavy bulk" update of (for example) multiple destination sets, the system may require more than 1 minute. 

The central element of a Routing Group is the Routing Entries list where Connections are associated with Destinations Sets.

Apart from associating a Connection with a specific Destination Set, the Routing Group sets other parameters that define routing engine behavior; particularly, Routing Policy.  The Routing Policy defines the order that the switch will attempt alternative connections with a matching prefix from the Destination Set assigned to them.

Available Routing Policies are: 

  • Least Cost: connections are tried in order, from lowest cost to highest cost.  The cost calculation is based on Average Call Duration together with the Tariff and price parameters from the matching Route in the Destination Sets
  • Route Preference: connections are tried in reverse order by Preference parameter value from the matching Route in the Destination Sets
  • Prefix Length: connections with the longest marching prefix in the associated Destination Set are tried first
  • Routing Entries Order: connections are tried in the order they appear in the Routing Entries list; essentially, from lowest Order # to highest Order #
  • Weighted distribution: distributes calls statistically based on the Routing Entries' Weight Value.  For example, entries with weights 1 and 9 will be distributed at 10% of call attempts to entry weight 1 and 90% to entry weight 9 

Other parameters in Routing Group are:

  • Media Relay: this parameters defines which media relay option should be used when routing calls for a particular Routing Group
  • Use Connection: this parameter provides the ability to set a registrar (an internal or external SIP server which accepts and stores the registration of a device).  The"Default" value is the built-in registrar. The "Disabled" value tells the system "do not use registrar."  When the "Disabled" value is in place, the system does not check the calling number (CLD) inside the internal or external registration lists.  As a result, the call is always routed according to the Routing Entries list.  The rest of the options in the drop-down list are external registrars for named Vendor Connections in the system
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