Low Balance Notifications

Written by Sergiiy
Updated 1 year ago

Low Balance Notifications

The Low Balance Notification feature will send an automatic notification email to a Ressellwe or Account when their respective account's Available Credit goes below a certain threshold.

These notification emails are send by the billing system in Flysip. The balance notification check will run once every 15 minutes. Only one notification email will be sent when the Available Credit passes the set threshold, to ensure that the Account or Resseller is not inundated with multiple notifications. When the resseller's Available Credit is updated an internal flag is reset, allowing a new notification email to be sent then next time the account Available Credit passes the notification threshold.

Balance Notifications can be enabled or disabled, and the balance threshold from the Actions Menu on the Account listing page. 

From the Actions Menu drop-down menu select "Auto-Recharge / Notifications" option.

Set the desired balance threshold here. Or, select 'Disabled' from the drop-down menu to disable notifications for the Account/Resseller. 

The same option is available form the Ressellers interface.

"Auto-Recharge / Notifications" settings for a resseler.

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