How to invoice your customers

How to invoice your customers
Written by Sergiiy
Updated 1 year ago

The Flysip Softswitch can generate and email invoices to your customers at the end of their billing cycle. Invoice generation will only be actioned by the system on an automatic basis, not manually, so should be one of the first configurations implemented when provisioning a new Account for your customer.

Set email in account settings:

Set up SMTP Server and reply to header for all outgoing mail:

The configuration of the SMTP server and header will forward invoices and notifications.

SMTP Server configuration:

  • Configure SMTP Server in Customer Menu > System Parameters.
  • Navigate to SMTP Server title:

  • Configure Server Address, Server Port, Connection Mode, Username and Password parameters according to your mail server's specification

  • Note, the Gmail SMTP server and authentication using has been entered in the above image only as example

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