General Method for Uploading Data

Written by Sergiiy
Updated 1 year ago


The system's web interface allows you to individually add, update, and delete various logical entities throughout the system. For example, you can individually add, update, and delete Rates associated with a given Tariff. However, this method can be time-consuming and is often inefficient for making a large number of modifications (additions, updates, or deletes).

Thus, it is often desirable to make a large number of modifications all at once. This can be done by uploading a file with data containing all the modifications you wish to make. This page outlines the general method for making modifications in this way, a method that is applicable to modifying the following: Accounts, Rates (associated with a Tariff), Routes (associated with a Destination Set), Top-up Vouchers, DID Pools, and Destinations. To ensure generality, we will refer to these entities (Accounts, Rates, etc.) as Entities, so remember to substitute the entities you are concerned with (e.g., Accounts) for Entities when following this guide.


To begin, go to the page on the web interface that allows you to individually modify the Entities (e.g., the Rates page associated with a Tariff). Under the Download Entity section, select Download to download a .xls file containing the Entities on to your computer. Once downloaded, open the file in a spreadsheet application, e.g., Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc. The spreadsheet displays the Entities on each row, where each Entity is associated with a unique Entity Id.

Note. When adding a new Entity or updating an existing Entity, note that the Id is automatically generated by the system, certain parameters must be specified (by entering an appropriate value under the relevant column associated with the Entity), and the values of certain parameters can take on only a limited range of values (e.g., a password must be seven digits in length and contain at least one alphabetic character).

To add a new Entity, insert a new row below the existing rows. On this row, enter A under the Action column. Proceed to enter the desired parameters associated with the new Entity.

To update an existing Entity, enter U under the Action column associated with the Entity you wish to update. Make the desired updates to the Entity by editing the parameters associated with that Entity. However, do not edit the Entity Id, because the system uses an Entity is identified with a unique Id, and so editing the Id will mean that the system cannot identify the Entity you wish to update.

To delete an existing Entity, enter D under the Action column associated with the Entity you wish to delete.

When you are done adding, updating, and deleting the Entities you wish to modify, save the file. Return to the page on the web interface that allows you to individually modify the Entities (e.g., the Rates page associated with a Tariff). Under the Upload Entity section, select Choose File and then select the file you just saved, which contains the modifications you wish to make to the Entities. Then select Upload.

If your modifications are successfully made, a dialog box will appear detailing the modifications made. In this case, select OK. If your modifications are not successfully made, you will be prompted to open or download (depending on your internet browser's specifications) a .xls file containing the error(s) encountered. In this case, correct the errors in the file containing the modifications you tried to make (i.e., not the file containing the error(s) encountered) and try to upload the corrected files again.

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