CDR Call Cost Rounding Methods [Decimal Precision]

Written by Sergiiy
Updated 1 year ago

The Flysip Softswitch can round the Call Cost to the needed decimal. This feature is part of version 4.3 Flysip Softswicth.

The balance of the particular account that uses the tariff with non-default Decimal Precision would be debited based on the calculated rounded cost of the call.

The balance of the particular vendor with non-default Decimal Precision would be debited based on the calculated rounded cost of the call.

Default Decimal precision

This method is the default one. No particular rounding for the cost up to 20th digit is being done, and the rating works based on all digits from the cost of some prefix. For example;

A call with a cost of 1.0123456789012345678811 USD will be rounded to 20th digit after the dot. The call cost would be recorded as 1.01234567890123456788 USD.

A call with a cost of 1.0123456789012345678899 USD will be rounded to 20th digit after the dot. The call cost would be recorded as 1.01234567890123456789 USD.

Custom Decimal Precision

This method rounds the call cost after the last configured digit after the dot.

For example, having the Decimal Precision = 2:

A call with a cost of 1.0123456789012345678811 USD will be rounded to 2nd digit after the dot. The call cost would be recorded as 1.01 USD.

A call with a cost of 1.0153456789012345678899 USD will be rounded to 2nd digit after the dot. The call cost would be recorded as 1.02 USD.

A call with a cost of 1.0173456789012345678899 USD will be rounded to 2nd digit after the dot. The call cost would be recorded as 1.02 USD.

The following table illustrates the results of both default and the custom decimal precision methods

Calculated Cost Of The Call Default Decimal Precision Cost Custom Decimal Precision Cost (For the Decimal Precision = 2)
1.0123456789012345678811 1.01234567890123456788 1.01
1.0153456789012345678899 1.01534567890123456789 1.02
1.0173456789012345678899 1.01734567890123456789 1.02

The Flysip Softswitch enables you to configure the Decimal Precision on individual Tariffs and Vendors.

This gives the switch operator full control on how Call Cost is rounded for every aspect of their business, clients, and vendors.

Configure Rounding Method on a Tariff

  • Go to the Tariffs, open the Edit Page for your Tariff, or create a new Tariff
  • Under the 'Advanced Parameters' section on the Tariff edit screen set the needed "Decimal Precision" value to round the cost after this digit
  • Click the Save & Close button to save the change

Configure Rounding Method for a specific Vendor

  • Go to the Vendors, open the Edit Page for your Vendor, or create a new Vendor
  • Under the 'Advanced Parameters' section on the Vendor edit screen set the needed "Decimal Precision" value to round the cost after this digit
  • Click Save & Close button to save the change

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