Block incoming calls containing particular CLI

Written by Sergiiy
Updated 1 year ago

This article helps switch operator setup the enhanced blocking rules based on the particular CLI/CLI pattern in FlySip.

Note, that this method works only case the Incoming CLD and IP of the calling party is not matched against any Incoming DID and DID authentication rule in the system.

Example of CLI = 92321234567

To block the calls with writing CDR for each failure [more load to the system]:

1. Create the Tariff with no rates inside

2. Create a Service Plan with that Tariff

3. Create a Routing Group with On-Net Routing - Use Connection = Disabled

4. Create the account with those Service Plan and Routing Group

5. Add Authentication Rule for the account with Incoming CLI = 92321234567

5.1 Case it's needed to block the CLIs that are starting from 9232 - add 9232* as Incoming CLI to the Authentication rule

6. Calls with that CLI would be dropped with 403 No Rates Found for Account %d, with writing CDR for created account for each failure.

To block the calls without writing CDR for each failure [less load to the system]:

1. Create the account with any service plan and Routing Group

2. Add Authentication Rule for the account with Incoming CLI = 92321234567

2.1 Case it's needed to block the CLIs that are starting from 9232 - add 9232* as Incoming CLI to the Authentication rule

3. Block the account from web or using xmlapi method

4. Calls with that CLI would be dropped with 403 Auth Failed (1) error, without writing CDR

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