Auto Provisioning

Written by Sergiiy
Updated 1 year ago


Supported since version 2.0.

Auto-provisioning is intended to configure remotely IP Telephony Devices.

To enable auto-provisioning an account should be assigned CPE# and Auto-Provisioning type.

Depending on provisioning type there is profile template. The templates are stored in /home/ssp/etc/provisioning directory. Each softswitch environment has own sub-directory for own set of profiles:

  • Environment #1:
    • /home/ssp/etc/provisioning
  • Environment #2:
    • /home/ssp/etc/provisioning/env2
  • Environment #3:
    • /home/ssp/etc/provisioning/env3
  • Environment #N:
    • /home/ssp/etc/provisioning/envN

If an environment does not have own profile, default one is used from /home/ssp/etc/provisioning directory.

Profile can have macros, which are substituted by real data from environment or account settings. A macro should be enclosed by '%%' (double percent), e.g. %%MACRO%%. The list of supported macros are:

  • SIP_PROXY - SIP IP-address of environment
  • SIP_PORT - SIP PORT of environment
  • SIP_USERNAME - Account Name
  • SIP_PASSWORD - VoIP Password
  • SIP_CALLER_NAME - Caller Name

List of supported provisioning types:

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