Account's features

Written by Sergiiy
Updated 1 year ago

1. "Account class" feature

All parameters which you are enable in the account class will be applied for accounts which are belong to this class.

2. Allow registration for account

Allow Registration function in account menu allow you to perform the Authentication based on VoIP Login and VoIP Password parameters, using SIP secure digest authentication method. Unchecked field disable registration, using SIP secure digest authentication method, but not the Authentication based on Authentication Rules associated with each account.

3. "Account lookup" feature

Account lookup by "Incoming CLI/ANI" working only if it already setup in Accounts --> Account XXXX --> Authentication Rules

4. "Incoming Routing" feature

System allow to configure specific routing for the incoming calls to account and it is the main goal of this feature.

For example:

If account A calling to B(for example DID number) then call will be routed to the specified Trunk(PBX, connection etc.) which was configured in account properties of "incoming routing" and not to the registered UA(which account assigned to B). But you can add account to the "Incoming routing" and call will be forwarded to the registered UA.

Source field - for example DID number which was assigned to the current account(for which you are trying to set up "Incoming routing").

Trunk field - for example external PBX or some particular connection etc.

Forward DID in enabled state lets you save the original CLD [DID number] in the outgoing packet to the trunk or the registered UA. The disabled checkbox means that the UA/trunk would receive the name of the account that is assigned to this DID in the CLD field.

If call came from On-Net(source field) you can also configure routing by your own discretion. So you can routing On-Net calls(which are inside of switch) to your particular connection.

5. "Trunks" feature

Trunks feature allows to forward calls aimed for account to the specified direction. It is like connection, but for account, not for vendor.
The main field in this feature is Main Destination which require IP address (or hostname) of the system where the calls will be forwarded to.
Outbound CLD is optional parameter.

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