
XML-RPC API - Make Payments with a Debit/Credit Card

Make Payments with a Debit/Credit Card
Автор Sergiiy
Обновлено 1 год назад

Make payment using Debit/Credit Cards manipulations.

Note! Either i_account or i_customer is to be supplied.

Trusted mode requires i_wholesaler parameter. 


    • i_account - i_account of account that makes the payment. Integer. Required.
    • i_customer - i_customer of customer that makes the payment. Integer. Required.
    • amount - payment amount. Double. Required.
    • currency - payment currency in ISO4217 format (USD, EUR, etc.). String. Required.
    • payer_ip_address - IP address of the payer. String. Required.
    • i_debit_credit_card - i_debit_credit_card of card to make the payment. If not specified than primary ISO_3166-2 format. String. Required.
    • phone - phone number. String. Required.


    • result - OK. Means that payment was sucessful String.
    • i_payment - reference to transaction details. Integer.
    • result - PENDING. Means that payment is pending and needs further approvement from payment processor side. String.
    • i_payment - reference to transaction details. Integer.
    • result - FAILED. Means that payment was failed. String.
    • i_payment - reference to transaction details. Integer.
    • XMLRPC fault in case of other error.
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